

Rediscover Your Passion 

for Life and Medicine

Pivoting to fulfilled life through proven,

effective coaching

Empower your own well-being to effectively serve others


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Can you remember the last time?

As a dedicated, high-achieving health professional you sacrificed your own health and personal life in the relentness  pursuit of assisting others.

Can you remember the last time you felt truly alive, vibrant, and content in your role?

Do you find yourself struggling to get out of bed in the morning, feeling fatigued from constant expectations of high performance?

Have you lost your drive, because of physical and emotional exhaustion?

Do you feel trapped in your current role with no apparent escape?

Does a sense of despair overwhelm you as you question if you’ve chosen the right path?

Are you crying for help, but nobody seems to listen?

It’s time to break free from this suffocating cycle. I want you to know that you’re not alone and that your voice is heard.

Asking for help is a brave act of self-care.

About Me

  • Certified Coach in Rapid Change Technologies, Your Future Now
  • Natural Success Graduate
  • Trained in Neurolinquistic Programming 

Hi , I am Urszula, a medical doctor, certified coach and a single mum of four. 

As a physician who has personally experienced the profound effects of burnout, I deeply understand the daily obstacles you face.

After the sudden loss of my husband to terminal cancer a few years ago, I faced immense challenges as a single parent to four young children while managing the demanding responsibilities of a full-time specialist consultant job.

Eventually, the exhaustion and emotional strain began to impact my ability to function effectively.

Determined to overcome these challenges, I embarked on a personal transformation journey. Through various self-development modalities, prioritising self-care, and embracing physical activity, I have not only recovered from burnout but also rediscovered my passion for life. 

I successfully balanced my professional career while creating cherished moments with my children, friends, and family, finding joy in everyday life.

Now, my mission is to empower and support other doctors and health professionals, who may find themselves in similar situations.

How Can I Help You?

Envision the profound satisfaction of making a meaningful difference in the world, igniting a renewed devotion to your profession.

Contemplate a balanced state where your physical, emotional, and mental well-being are at the forefront, harmonising your personal and professional life.

This isn’t a distant dream. It’s the life that you deserve, and it’s within your reach.

As a doctor, I know first-hand the toll that the demanding profession can take.

I have experienced the highs and lows, burnout, stress and disillusion. But, I found the way to overcome my challenges and enjoy my life again. I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and stuck and what it feels like when one reignites their spark.

Today, I am committed to helping doctors  struggling with overwhelm and dissatisfaction. 

In my coaching, I offer a simple approach that involves four key steps;

  • Awareness - I'll facilitate a thorough understanding your current circumstances.
  • Clarity - I'll help you gain a crystal-clear vision of your desired future.
  • Focus - I'll guide you to stay entirely focused on your outcomes.
  • Roadmap - I'll assist you in taking direct actions towards lasting change and a joyful life.

Your Current Life Scan:

Use our FREE dynamic assessment tool guiding busy professionals to uncover their satisfaction levels across key life domains.

By completing the Life Scan, you'll unlock a deeper understanding of your current position in essential life sectors;

1. Health (both physical and mental),

2. Love and romance,

3. Family dynamics,

4. Finance and money,

5. Professional career/business,

6. Creativity and education,

7. Social circles and friends,

8. Fun and recreation,

9. Spiritual or personal development journey.

Take the Life Scan to clearly see where you are now, versus where you want to be.

It also reveals the gap between your current reality and your desired outcomes, guiding you to understand what's next. Start shaping your future today.

Welcome to The Recovery Lounge

Following your Life Scan, I invite you to a complimentary session in my virtual Recovery Lounge; a safe, stress-free place crafted especially for medical professionals. Here, you can take a much-needed pause from the demands of your career and personal life. 

This session offers a structured, clear path to finding balance and joy through practical steps, tailored for immediate impact. Reclaim your time, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. Book now and transform your professional journey and personal life in the tranquility of the Recovery Lounge.

Fast track to Professional and Personal Renewal

After your session in the Recovery Lounge, if you are ready to make significant, lasting changes, you are invited to engage in a personalised coaching journey, where I will tailor a unique path that precisely aligns with your desired outcomes.

Together, we will implement targeted strategies and actionable steps, all designed to guide you efficiently toward your envisioned future.

 I provide dedicated support and accountability, ensuring a decisive and direct approach that leads to fast and permanent changes.

My programs are carefully designed to fit into your busy schedule.

Claim Your Free Copy Of
“Calm in the Storm” And Get:

Enter Your email to get your pdf

  • Immediate Relief: Discover rapid techniques to alleviate stress instantly during hectic work hours.
  • Busy Professional-Friendly Strategies: Utilise methods designed specifically for busy individuals  to manage stress efficiently.
  • Transform Your Workday: Implement actionable tips to transform your workday into a realm of calm and productivity.

Reclaim peace and focus in your daily practice, one stress-relief strategy at a time. Claim your free copy of “Calm in the Storm” today:

Your Journey to a Flourishing, Fulfilled Life

Reignite Your Spark

Welcome to your transformative journey. My approach is simple and it is tailored to uncover your current challenges  and help you envision and create a life you love. Through careful guidance, we will align your actions with your dreams, fostering personal and professional growth.

Embark on this journey towards lasting change and the life you aspire to.

Real People, Real Change.

The 10 sessions I spent working with Urszula Carr were life changing. I am a widow with two young adult children and a full time job as a pediatrician.

Through each session I learned new skills to get my life in order, to learn to do one thing at a time, prioritize, get “unstuck” as it were, and take the time to go through things that were emotionally difficult for me to do.

I found Urszula to be not only a great coach, but a very kind, compassionate woman, very intelligent and very insightful.

I would highly recommend her services.


/  NJ, USA - Pediatrician

We spent more than one hour, talking about my prior experiences as a doctor, the good and the bad, and she listened the whole time, and took on board my goals.

I felt she really cared about me, not just as a doctor but as a human being. I am very thankful for her advice and coaching and would definitely recommend her coaching to anyone facing career setbacks or challenges.


/  Doctor Suffering Chronic Fatigue

Unquestionably, Urszula is an excellent coach who genuinely cares about her clients’ success. Urszula was there for me during a difficult time in my life, accurately identifying my biggest issues and obstacles and providing advice to assist me get over them.

I was able to open up and express my deepest concern. I always felt that Urszula was focused on me and my issues, offering solutions that that were customised to my particular circumstances.

Her dedication and skills allowed me to modify my perspective on matters that are significant to me.

I recommend Dr Carr’s service to anyone who needs direction and assistance in their personal or professional life. She is the ideal choice if you want to work with a coach who genuinely cares about your progress.


/  University Professor


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On The Blog

Resilience Amidst BurnoutMy Personal Journey from Burnout, Through Psychotherapy, to Renewed Passion via Life CoachingAs a fellow physician and a single parent to four children, I can intimately understand the

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