Our Story

At MedicRevive, we are familiar with the challenges doctors and other busy, high performing health professionals face; endless hours, immense pressure, and the constant demand for peak performance. We comprehend the weight and emontional impact of making critical decisions. Highly achieving individuals often tirelessly care for others, usually at the expense of their own well-being.

Our founder, Dr Urszula Carr experienced severe burnout and embarked on a journey to not just recover, but to truly thrive again. This journey was far from smooth, filled with months of trials, errors and adjustments. Yet, through this journey, a solution emerged.

MedicRevive was born out of this necessity. Our distinct mentoring programs were established to provide much-needed support to the  community.

Having walked in these shoes, felt the burnout, and faced the pressure, we are now here to support others as they navigate their way to a balanced and joyful existence.

Dr Urszula Carr


Dr Urszula Carr, is a specialist histopathologist and holds a PhD in tumour biology. Urszula is not only an academically accomplished medical professional but also a compassionate coach certified in Rapid Change Technologies, trained in Natural Success, and Neurolinguistic Programming.

Urszula lives in Sydney where she enjoys a vibrant life with her four children. Her interests are diverse, extending far beyond the realm of medicine.

An experienced traveler with a love for the outdoors, Urszula also enjoys martial arts and holds a black belt in Shotokan karate. Her active lifestyle is sustained by her enthusiasm for long-distance running, skiing, bush walking, and cycling

Urszula’s strong interest in personal growth and human behaviour fuels her ongoing quest for knowledge. An early adopter and advocate of technological advances, she embraces innovations in digital pathology and Artificial Intelligence.

Our Mission Statement

At MedicRevive, our mission is more than a statement. It’s the essence of everything we do. We exist to serve the medical community, to guide doctors and busy health professionals from the clutches of burnout and overwhelm to a state of empowerment, resilience, and a renewed passion for life and profession. As a doctor-led mentoring service, we provide a safe environment that nurtures both personal and professional growth.

Our core values—Compassion, Empowerment, Resilience, Authenticity, Growth, Progress, and Trustworthiness—are the pillars of our mission.

Compassion is central to our understanding of the personal journey each busy individual undertakes. Empowerment focuses on providing doctors with the tools for self-efficacy and taking control of their lives. Resilience reminds us of the strength inherent in the medical community. Authenticity guides us to be true in our dealings. Growth signals our commitment to continuous development. Progress is our dedication to ensuring advancement and improvement for all our doctors and health professionals. Trustworthiness is our pledge, emphasizing the trust doctors place in us and our mission.

In essence, these values define our commitment to the well-being of health professionals and high-performing individuals. They serve as our constant reminder of why we exist and what we hope to achieve—a flourishing medical community.

Why Choose Us?

Our Perspective

Our unique perspective comes from our profound understanding of the medical profession, the intense pressure it involves, and the prevalent culture that unfortunately often views burnout as a sign of weakness. We have navigated the same challenging paths.

We are dedicated to accelerating your transition from burnout and despair to a renewed sense of joy, and purpose. We emphasize the importance of attaining clarity, setting boundaries, deepening connections with loved ones, and practising essential self-compassion. Moreover, we advocate taking proactive steps to realise your envisioned future.

The Possibility

Our founder, successfully managing her full-time career while raising her children, exemplifies the work-life harmony we aspire to help our clients accomplish. At MedicRevive, we stand for the possibility of truly enjoying your personal life while maintaining professional fulfilment.